A Spotlight would be cool, but it always tends to bring out the worst in people. They vie for imaginary supremacy in a video game, and tear groups...
Why on Earth would they pick our tag though? XD I don't think they had any idea that they were inadvertently advertising a private group!
I know! Wat happen ?
'Twas a game of Rumble Pit. I was in a party with a certain GladiateSmiths, and I was giggling like a little ***** as I killed person after person...
Thanksyeh sir! :D I try to put only the best content out on the interwebz, glad you liked it!
Hey, I posted the map you helped test way back when: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/79569-vice.html Thanks again for helping!
YouTube - Grav Lift WIN (HD) I'm like a tarantula with the way I set traps, yo. This vid is also available in HD and on my File Share.
Overused memes = PRIME Facebook statuses. Or stati, if you will.
Do you still want to be a Referee at TCE? I'll be going through my usual Fall/Winter absence, and I'm trying to make sure that I have an active...
Hey bish. You should be more active in Cutting Edge. I have a feeling that a moderator position will open up soon (evan has been pretty inactive),...
Nah. I don't have the time, what with school and the accompanying slew of activities that I must mindlessly perform in order to get a piece of...
Okay it has appeared.
I see no friend request. o_O
Yeah I'm online. Por que?
Evenball is on Bungie Faves! W00T! Rate it 10/10, leave a lovely comment, and spread the word! XD
Hopefully when you do play it, you get a Headlong/Turf vibe from its gameplay. ;) Thanks for the positive thoughts, and I hope you enjoy! It...
It gives the Debo helpful feedback? Or any feedback at all, for that matter? Bungie.net : Atlas : Private Forum : Vice - Sandbox Crypt, Team BRs,...
Believe me, this past weekend was entirely CONSUMED by my desire to get this thing released. I tested non-stop whenever I was awake, and only took...
Finally you've released it. Haha. I definitely love the map - and now that you've fixed OV room it is deserving of a higher rating than I would...