this map is really fun
looks good but it dosent do a god job of keeping players on the track
looks amazing but hard
they would be really good for infection
its just capture the flag
i love griffball its so fun-when its not laggy
i like the room with the fence walls it looks really attractive
its not really impressive
this is bungie's racetrack of the year
i was planning on seeing the frigates on sandtrap
u should make it so the map is completely empty then like 10seconds in loadsa grav lits just appear
i saw another one on youtube but urs is like 1000x better
sniper rifles,1 shot kill,superspeed=funnest game ever
this map is insane i always use it for infection
i sorta reminds me of one of the maps from UT3
that looks really fun
looks cool 3.8/5
wow! that is incredible the interlocking is perfect.
i think it looks really nice for a maze map,well done.
the pictures dont do it justice