No, I needed to get past the kill barrier. Hey guys its all gewd now, thanks for the help. I may have to strip it down and start again though. I...
Thanks guys. This will be great, seeing how the wall takes a huge chuck out of my budget. Oh I'm afraid don't understand how to ghost merge a non-...
Hey everyone. (this is not a map preview) I need some assistance on my Sandbox map that I'm going to make. It will be a Big Team map, using the...
Yeah, that would make for a really fun game.
Death take it easy man. People aren't nerds because they like Halo so much that they get it the day it comes out. Me? I'm getting mine today but...
Sorry, but were we supposed to understand that? This is a kool idea but dude learn to use proper frikin' english!
Haha. Could you imagine? A mini game where who ever stays on a dinghy the longest wins. You could probably do that with King of The Hill.......I...
Oh, I like that idea. Reminds me of Resident Evil, the movie, when they were on top of the pipes. Yeah, that idea has potential.
Yeah a head would make it perfect, you could make a room in the head for sniping or something along those lines. (shooting out of the eyes, haha)
Don't forget that dropped weapons, and grenades also count as objects. I usually forge while my siblings are fighting.(yes I let my little bro and...
Looks great. I think you may want to put some more cover in, particularly around the water front. (first post!)
You've tried everything? Hmmm............... Sounds to me like your account is bugging out. Are you saying you can't sign in? EDIT: Does anyone...
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAH and further more HAHA. Dude not to be a dink or anything but you epically fail! You know, you could...
Incredible. I think I see how it works. Props to you for finding this glitch, this is ****ing amazing!!!!
Nice job. Good story. Good luck to you.( I like to keep it short, sweet and to the point) Btw, you said it will use all of Sandbox, so you'll...
Yes, Bungie probably didn't think it though. Besides, to use all of Halo 3s features you have to have a hard drive, and lets face it, who is going...
Thanks. Mostly though I wanted to know if anyone thought it was a good idea. But I suppose it would depend on the map being casual or professional.
I want someones opinion on instantly respawning weapons. I love making team objective maps, and I would like to have instant weapon respawns for...
Hello, I never took the time to make a formal introduction so I will now.(if you want more info on me look at my profile page) I have always...
Yeah, I suppose, and I was afraid of forgeable material. Oh well, thanks for pointing out my mistake haha.