Welcome to Expedition, make by yours truly, arceushero, and carrerkilla8585. This is a competitive map made for neutral bomb and slayer. It is...
Ok, thanks. Me and my friend are forging the bases right now!
Oh... thanks. Friend randomly joined and it started working xD
Ok, fixed that. Now i have another problem. The game is neutral assault, and i cannot how to make the goals team specific! I have one set to...
BUT THE BOMB CONTINUOUSLY RESETS! Its annoying to say the least to my ear drums, and you can't pick it up. Its like it thinks it constantly has...
That sounds weird... Hmmmmmmmmm... check the phase it spawns in, maybe it is for invasion slayer.
Yay! Lets set up the rest of the details in PM and stop bumping this thread to the front then xD
I know the basics... not from experience though, mostly from reading about it. Read a lot of guides, and if i set time to something it usually...
If you want a co-forger i might be available... the only reason i myself didnt take it on is because it is such a huge project, with two people...
Wow! This project looks amazing... I wish i could take that on, but it'd be overly ambitious of me for my first map :(. (Well not my first......