... Isn't it a little weird that you have a random girl for an avatar?
I thought it was pretty good.
That was harsh.
I would move the camera up closer. The statue is amazing, but it's very far away. By the way, if you're French, why make the Statue of Liberty?...
I liked it! The only issue is that you left all the "respawn" points around, so you can tell it was done in Forge. Other than that, it looked...
Hello there! Some of you may remember four months ago when I first posted a video, you have very good memories. Anyway, I was wondering if some...
Hi everybody! A while back, I posted my promotional video for a series I was creating: Halo 3-The Life of Logan I want to know what everybody...
As some of you may already know, I am making a machinima about a newbish, pink Elite named Logan. I would really like to have some feedback!...
Thank you!
I'm glad all of you like it!
I was just wondering: Would you like to subscribe to me and 'The Life of Logan'? It's the only way to assure you don't miss an episode! My...
Thanks, you guys! Any comment is welcome!
Cool, but I couldn't hear any voice in that at all. The music muffled it.
Thanks for your comment on my video! I recommend you subscribe to make sure you don't miss episode one! YouTube- Halo 3- The Life of Logan-...
Wow! This is better than I thought it would be! Thank you guys so, so, so much! I'll try to make things seem less staged in the future, Gunner,...
Wow, thanks guys! I hope episode one won't let you down! You may wish to subscribe to make sure you see it, though. (I sound like such a...
Hi, everybody! I’m sorry about using your forum as a tool to advertise my Halo 3 machinima series, but I’d really like to get my videos out...
Cool, Voi! How did you do that?
Hi! I'm ZealousSangheili! How are you? I'm new to this forum...
Hello, world!