It was the same engine that the xbox version was on. They didn't change anything at all. I never played RDR and I did hate GTA4 I do hate Blops...
That makes me somewhat angry because I know it won't be the same now. Also, if there are ANY story tweaks whatsoever, I'm gonna **** bricks. I...
Hbd, brah.
Win. Also, I like the new name of the thread.
It didn't happen to me, but I have heard of more people who've had the same problem. The only problem I've had with it so far is that it's quite...
Double Agreed. I've never seen this happen before, which means Microsoft doesn't do it regularly. They wouldn't have done it if he didn't mod his...
Neither. Preorder Bulletstorm.
You remember that guide Schnitzel posted to Reach Spawns that I think you made a diagram for? Do you know what the name of the thread was?
So I herd u liek purpull...
Sweet. Thanks.
Dude. What texture pack are you using on minecraft? Can I haz linky?
I'm totally in that video.
Take me back? I'm sorry, take me back?
<3 cwutididthar? I called you homosexual at the same time as complimenting your taste in women.
So I herd ur girlfriend is a pretty cool guy... Emphasis on guy.
I haven't even finished Oblivion yet and I'm stoked. I love Oblivion so far, especially the theives guild ♥, and I can easily see why thousands of...
Good luck in life, bro! I wish you the best and hope you have fun!
Next time I go out and pick up some MSP I'm definitely buying this game. I loved A Kingdom for Keflings and I've been looking forward to A World...
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