Not very lulzy... Methinks the people you play with are assinine morons.
Ahem... Basically, you can create any level you want using the editing software that they will release (Probably just a version of Hammer that's...
hahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhhahahhahaha Easily my second favorite part of the game. Only the ending was better...
Btw, go ahead and demolish the thing I made on miningbros and get someone to give you errything in my chest... I built basically the same thing...
So I Herd U liek hazzing burfdehs? Gratz, dood.
Indeed. Indeed.
<3 Sig/Avvy
Just a little important: [img]
Talk to the Cocco that is at a Los for more information. (He's so gonna hate me for this) And yeah, you can get online with it. I personally use...
<3 Your CT
This game is nothing short of amazing. It was a perfect sequel to Portal in every way possible. The Humor, The Story, The Graphics, and finally,...
D: fllr
Bloo Likes *****? :D
I'm not going to post any links or anything... But there may be a version of the beta you can download off the internet onto a flash drive that...
I'm gonna go and set down a good $20 on a Gears 3 Pre-Order after the weekend (I'm going on a road trip for easter) And I'll give the beta code I...
Are you holding down the mouse button, or just clicking it? Because if you're just clicking it, you're going to get nowhere.
Yipee! Time to achievement ***** on Minecraft! :D Edit: Well, those took a good half an hour...
If you guys are actually doing this, you should get someone to attempt to do it at the PAX in Seattle, aswell. I'm only a four hour drive away...