lrn2 AdBlock Plus kthx Also, wrong forum. Belongs in Customer Service, where it's been adressed many times.
Knowing Activision, this won't be the end of the Modern Warfare series... But I'm going to trust you guys to hold me to my word... This will be...
What is this I don't even...
Meh. Fine by me.
lol. I swear to God I locked that chest like 3 times. Thanks, though. <3
Using programs like invedit and mcedit is what's making it not fun for you.
Halo 3 was a much better game than Bioshock. It should've won. Also, ME2 has nothing on Oblivion, so it shouldn't have won. And, as much as I love...
Coords? Also, I guess Minecraft thinks this Nick Wixon guy is all that and a bag of chips.
I'm so ****ing pissed. I bought points to purchase Fortresscraft and Castle Crashers two days ago... I bought Fortresscraft without thinking, then...
In my opinion, 2D does make it worse. It limits your creativeness to two dimensions, and creativeness is the only reason I play minecraft. From...
So I figured you'd like a birthday message. Well, here it is. Happy Birthday!
Yet another Minecraft clone... Seems they're getting worse and worse as more and more come out... Hell, this one's even in 2D!
****ing <3 your sig.
Apparently PSN is going back up on May 3rd and all members will recieve 30 Days free Playstation Plus and will get one downloadable game out of a...
Everyone below this line has been trolled. ____________________________________ YouTube - PSN NETWORK STILL DOWN FOR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE[...
If I had any money in my Paypal Account, I would... Unfortunately, I don't.
Should go to home and do eet.
Should just come on the GoO server to check it out. Srs.
Basically I see it as them getting what's coming. It's common sense, really. You pay more, you get better quality... In this case, you pay any,...
D: <3 If you want, I could come back and do it... But I'd need a **** ton of wood. something like 6 stacks/floor. Also, I thought I did lock my...