Woah, huge $5... anways... would you eat lincolns old $5 dollar bill for $5?
Mallet, could you perhaps make a list of upcoming/future topics so that we know for the next SotW? Thanks.
its reasonable enough that you dont wanna send pics; but atleast send us a link to the file share and/or the topic that you made on b.net. Because...
i got it right my first time :[ thanks for noticing.
makes sense because the obstacles probablly would take too long to get over so you just pressed up on you d-pad eh?
I concur.
lol another one of your genius PROJECT maps, great work looks totally clean and well made. just one question: what letter do you have in mind...
lol flare is just there seemed like a good thing to add it a moments-notice. it works most of the time because you know where YOU are going when...
I dont really get this when you say "Class-Based Map" do you mean like every person has a little Armory so to say, where they spawn and get...
Featured on b.net or FH?
Desention By: OP l PwnCakes l Download Map: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=38499535 Download Game:...
it is fully blocked off and unbreakable. That's one of the key factors i worked on. I used all of the teleporters and about half the weapon...
this is by far one of the most thought out and well worked on maps i've ever seen/played... man i suggest you go over to...
map looks great and fun to play/... looks like you spent alot of time on it... im gonna dl and see how it plays. and what's up with ALBINO...
is it just me or does this map look like a higher detail cleaner more thought-out version of this map:...
good point lol... i mean that does take "Honor Rules"
Um the foundry version i made played really bad. I tested with like 3 of my friends... and it was just pointless so I'm restarting. That other...
sure its worth a try ill get right to it. i have nothing better to do lol.
this map actually plays very nicely considering the fact that i "tested" it for about 3 months lol.
Oh yeah i forgot to say but... sense i couldnt make a topic on b.net i had to give a like that follows directly to my file share... sorry.