it doesnt really matter which type of map you make more because its just a personal liking. Asymmetrical Maps are One Flag, Assult, And most...
now that is uncontrollable... with all containers/double boxes, they spawn a different color everytime. Even if you kept respawning them until you...
which friend are you talking about, and why did you quote me? U make no sense.
the link works but ForgeHub standard require that you have Embed pictures on your topic. If you do-not know how to do this feel free to send me a...
after something like that i dont think you could have the "Man-Power" to sue your doctor :P
"First Posts" Aren't Respected here at Forge Hub... it serves no point and is considered as Spam. Anyway... Looks like a fun map... i like the...
I personally use just because thats the only thing that they let us use at school. And I pretty much know everything about it. But its...
SPOC omg wassup, its Jakem... what happened to TheFinalFight? anyways... Thats a sick case... its gonna be even cooler when he's done with it...
ok this looks fun and everything... but im REALLY tired of this train/subway maps... sorry i just had to get that out of me. ok woah. Everything...
my best screen is my signature... lol i dont have the original anymore because i saved over it and i took it off my box to save r00m.
there is a remake... its what they call "Perfect" even though I can't see a resemblance at at all for most of the maps.... for the turf remake I...
map looks smooth and everything - good interlocking. But i have ONE question... It seems as though you could grab the sword and quickly run down...
although this map looks fine without interlocking... it wouldnt be a map that I would like to play on for the following reasons: 1. Not enough...
i totally would... even though that doesnt make sense because xbox live is 5$... oh w.e. Would you kill this poor starving Asian kid for 5$? [img]
You might wanna look here before you post your map so you can learn how to post images with Oh hell ill just explain it Goto...
how come you didn't make any other game-types.. except CTF? Just a question...?
ok i soz. lol. point taken. i wun help next time then :( * SAD FACE *... no lol but i can see your point... and i wont be so fast on the OMG I...
Yeah even though i normally don't like aesthetics in competitive maps, the door in the double box/fences always give me that little tingle down my...
I've had problems like this before and i've realized that the only way to Totally fix it is to have a Teleporter leading into the mancannon first...
OK seriously guys, we only need ONE person posting and telling him that his pictures are messed up. Same goes for ALL the other topics. jeez