I wound going with a pistol with 100% weapons damage and 50% melee damage. The map is up by the way:...
Propulsion by Packeranatic Propulsion is an infection mini-game made by Packeranatic, which was indirectly inspired by a Halo 3 mini-game called...
SONIC YOUTH - The Diamond Sea‏ - YouTube
You aren't familiar with the term "loremaster" are you? Like there is a lead artist who makes sure everything everybody makes conforms to a...
Okay so yesterday I played this with 10 people, after some kerfuffle about who wants to be on whose team and messaging the people who refused to...
So I vaguely remember playing this game back in Halo 3 where all the players were stuffed into a tiny room where propane tanks flew at them, and I...
I don't know about Yosemite, but the rest all sounds like a good idea, and the Hollywood sign would be easy to incorporate and add a nice touch,...
Wow, just wow, that forging style will catch a lot of eyes, I hope the map plays as good as it looks.
I'm not sure it's the first, but I have some suggestions that I think may help disguise the camping stool floor. Well, one suggestion. Have you...
Yah, but they stick out like a sore thumb. Here's two techniques I've also seen in various puzzles: Weapon/Equipment Drop: [spoiler]
This is a insanely good idea. The court looks amazing btw and the weapon choice of spikers is a good call in my opinion. I will play this later...
I missed one for vehicles/teleporters: [spoiler]
I have an obsession with long rock songs.... Dire Straits - Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION]‏ - YouTube Jane's Addiction - Three...
Thanks. ;) You may see some of these in my next map.
Unless there's a shield involved. I have a few more for you: Drop Shield: [spoiler] Armor Lock: [spoiler] Jet Pack: [spoiler] Hologram:...
Polis Massa. The medical facility on the asteroid.
I was thinking that the sides facing the area would be filled with spots to pick off stragglers with. I have already built the part in between the...
The other day I ran across some old PS2 games I had, and besides the amazing game Shadow of the Colossus, there were two other games I played a...
Are you asking on how to make an insane amount of golf balls? If so just place a hill marker and set it to ball spawn location, rinse and repeat....
It's a safe zone. pyro6666 is right, I recently had this problem with an infection map and it turned out while I had been forging away and letting...