I don't remember playing this on Halo 3 but I definitely recognize the name. Either way, this looks like a really good map. Can't really pinpoint...
I like how you used it on Tempest. You wouldn't think it, but the background really adds "character" to the map. Nice job with this. The...
Nice job with this map. Looks very smooth and nice layout. I'm judging this purely on the screenshots right now but as of this point I can't...
This. There is a lot you can do with it but as of right now I think it's missing a flow. It can be easily fixed if you just bring it back to the...
I don't know if you've ever played Star Wars Battlefront but this map reminds exactly of one of those maps (I forgot its name). I am wondering...
Wow, I saw the overview and was almost overwhelmed. This map is HUGE but there is still a great attention to detail. It's a very interesting...
I guess the other poster said he had an epitaph remake but up until now I haven't come across one. I'm glad someone has done it because I always...
Cool map. Looks like it could be a great set for making machinima. My favorite part was definitely the console area. For some reason, I got a...
Man, I've seen some really bad remakes of high ground. I'm glad to say that this isn't one of them. I'm judging from the pictures right now but it...
I think you got as far as you could with in terms of remake. There isn't any major flaws but the color palette is so gray that it's impossible to...
Damn, this is an impressive map. I love the design, it's very intricate. I agree with the other posters saying it looks like a Halo CE map. I'm...
Very nice map. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it. However, I would change the kill boundary at the top of the map to a soft kill...
Very awesome map here. I always wanted a game where the attackers had to travel up toward the objective. This is an ideal location for it too. I...
I feel like I've seen this before, especially the meeting room. Not accusing you of stealing because I don't think you did. I just know there is a...
That is actually a very good point. There would be very little difference between having it on Forge World. Besides, it's virtually unknown that...
Looks like an interesting concept. Normally, I don't like when the grid is visible on the map. It sometimes works but usually it just breaks the...
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This map is pretty neat, good job. Looks like it could host some fun BTB games. The aesthetics are cool and there is ample cover everywhere. Right...
Very colorful. That's something typically missing from forged maps. I like this but I'm wondering if there is too many power weapons for such a...
This is on Tempest!? I can not tell at all. This is a really good map, simple and smooth. For some reason, I'm getting a cold storage vibe from...