stop crying we where just joking
i like him better now [IMG]
i think u where right so i think this is good [IMG]
you got that right [IMG]
ur maker is OLD GREG!!! [IMG]
haha im in the mid with the SMG :)
[IMG] seantm22 and me
looks realy kool really good :)
looks good ill dl to try it out 5/5
Ill join you clan im can do most of the forging glitchs but would not mind helping you test the maps my GT is ForceRECONmc
i really like how u did the creek
looks just great cant wait to play it
i have not seen a map like this looks good ill dl
it looks lie u just put thinks random on the map but still looks fun
looks really good 5/5
great maps 5/5 all i can say
looks really nice ill dl
looks good ill dl like how u did the train
all look really good rock wall looks the best i think ill dl
that looks like fun ill dl