First sig in gimp in like forever. [img]
I've decided to get back into forging after nearly a year. This is an unfinished conquest map (Cantina) I plan to release soon, and a newer...
[IMG] [IMG] Went with a style a guy on another site has for the first, and tried a BWCish style for the second.
[IMG] Went for a cool rather than warm, and added some depth/ more lighting.
[IMG] First sig in a week or two.
Hot off the press from Bnet. HBOFF: Feet First Into Hell Second Runner-Up: Disorder, by Essias Loberg (SargeantSarcasm) Discussion Thread...
When playing campaign, I'll get to the destination as the rookie, but I have to sit around for 10-15 minutes before the checkpoint loads along...
Shout out to Zerosun for the first half of his pyro tut [IMG]
I have an old Gateway Windows XP (5-6 years old). As you can see in this screen shot, I have a rather boring and chunky set up. I've DL'd rocket...
First pieces done in my photoshop class. [IMG] This vector was intentionally choppy. [IMG] Comments plox?
As the title says. I am, and I'd like to have a data base of possible players for everyone to use.
[IMG] Made in GIMP rather than PS.
[IMG] yeah, pretty much copied lock n load. It was a more, experimental sig. I'm suprized I firgured out how to do it, considering my...
[IMG] Still waiting to do text on this one. [IMG]
[IMG] Fourth PS Sig. CnC
On various and sundry sites I visit, various and sundry Images distort or something. For example, [IMG] Whats going on, and how do I fix it...
[IMG] CNC That was a fun game. Ended up with 30+ kills. This is at a 38....