Thanks for the constructive critisism but you were clearly jsut putting my map down. oh well. ur prolly just mad cause gophers ate your eyes.
wow... i didn't even make the point about mansion in the name, The Last Donut did. And also, who the H E Double sippy straws cares about whether...
COULD be a playable infection map? It was made for infection. No offense but of course it's playable with infection.
It is set up for infection, but it has no filters. Good idea though!
WHOOPS!!!!!!!!!!!! STUPID ME, i forgot the DL link!!!! it's up now!
Haunted Mansion An Idea and Forgery by Cheezbob [IMG] Welcome to Haunted Mansion! A must see for lovers of infection! Guaranteed to get you...
I like the cave effects and the "grate"! good job!1!eleven11!11 lol
Love the multileveled buildings!
I think this map could be fun, but i don't understand it at all. No offense.
Good job with the closable gate. I like it when people add player activated switches it shows commitment and skill. both of which you clearly have
I like how you made the ground nice job
yes, i agree that sometimes armoriess can mess up gameplay, but this map is very playable. The attackers spawn in the default base next to the...
Yea i know that multicolored boxess are a problem. The effects in my opinion aren't worth the crippled gamplay so i don't use them.
yes it does. it has pics and a dl link so stfu plz It took me a while to figure out imageshack but i did it!
[IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG][IMG] TITAN CREATED BY CHEEZBOB The UNSC Carrier Titan was the only ship to survive the Covenant attacks on the distant...