Wow great interlocking looks great for ffa good job uhm i give youoohs! a 4.5/5
Looks like fun.Interlocking could have been used in this map to make it look cleaner. Inside looks good.
Very simple but could be fun placemnt of stuff is helal messy tho.3/5 on this map.
Wow love the structure of this map very well made! Huge brigde is cool. 4/5
Looks great alot of interlocking and time is involved, couldve been more clean tho like MLG 3.8/5
Looks great but you couldve interlocked the sides itwould look alot whole better i like the fence part of this map but its small. Good job 3.5/5
Looks great but i dont think its not that challenging good job on making it tho.
Wow looks fun to pleh and nicely made love the pyramid haha its kinda kidish but reminds meh of things lol good job! nice interllcoking on that...
It looks like fun but i dont really get the concept of it i guess tis just barriers so 2/5 on them couldve been more creative.
Wow very amazing lol you should make a mchinima with it lool be a superhero lol it would be cool cool sww3itch also!
Looks great i love maps with the switch idea or thing! Good job looks great! 4.5/5 im going to make a switch one day
Wow very creative i love it! its like a gate thing but a bridge good idea? 5/5 on this only the idea! ahha
Wow very well made good job looks nice and clean nice use of shield doors.Nice place where uyou put the vehicles also! 4.5/5 for infection.
Looks very awesome just needs more interlocking, very nice tho i only like the bridge floor tho its cleanest out of all places.
Wow very creative with the bar thing reminds me of some movies irish movies lol cool great job but easily made 3/5
Looks great i guess but its very simmple and couldve interlocked all except for some doesnt look as exciting tho
LOL I THINK THAT it looks great outside how bout inside? and i think that you should just put no link to your description so that people wont have...
Very open on the sides you can fix that with sideways doors and stuff good interlocking tho this map can be exciting if you add more i suppose.3.5/5
Looks great for mlg and ffa i love the open box you have in your pics and your interlocking is kew! no so much on the sides tho you should put...
Lol alot of WWE maps and most of them arent even good but this would could be neet if u used more boxes and interlocking best of all WWE maps i seen!