Looks like a fun game but once your in the VIP spot you will be very easy to kill cuz it seems as if the vip spots has no cover.
Very nice but its really wide open! and its really sloppy Couldve made things more straight and even! I guess better luck next time?
Its a kewl gate but after the switch part you might have to jump over the gate door things or barriers and also the barriers can be popped down or...
I believe i saw this already but i guess its ok the switch is kewl! =]
Looks great alot of interlocking involved and seems as if gameplay would be really fun. Fantabulous job =] 4.5/5
Looks very fun to play although interlocking couldve made this mape way better good placement of the scenery objects tho i love it3.9/5
Looks awesome nice ideas! Also clean with the interlocking boxes =] Its a map! 3/5 though its average!
Looks great but it seems bumpy and open! nice interlocking though and love the man cannon thing! =] i like using mancannons 3.9/5
Looks very good, made it really look like construction happening! ill give this map a 3.5/5 =]
Wow looks very fun to play also alot of nnice interlocking involved. Loved the cubs =] 4.5/5
Judging by that one picture it looks very awesome! But there are little places that need little cover if you know what i mean good job though...
Infermo [IMG] Description: A MLG looking map. Made By ActTehKiLL. 2-8 Players. Could be very fun with stickies and Team Slayer. Screenshots:...
Wow looks very fun to play couldve done more interlocking on all than just some. Looks cool i guess the walls couldve been more cleaner good job tho.
Wow very open but you used mostly all forge stuff like geomerging interlocking and all good job must be cleaner tho and more cover i think!
Wow very interesting nice interlocking looks a whole ton of fun also nice use of doors and man cannons. 5/5 GREAT JOB! Fantabulous
Looks great thnx for making it non-dlc most maps are dlc so good job on that looks fun to play also
Looks amazing but couldve interlocked on those SOME OBJECTS looks likes fun tho.Some parts could be cleaner! 3.9/5
Looks extremely fun except some of it is messy and needs to be more cleaner nice but you got some clean interlocking good job 4/5
Doesnt look like an MLG map but it still looks fun to play in mlg has more cover and uses more of the map than this. Good interlocking thought...
Wow very fantastick coulve been better with interlocking couldve cleaned that up very creative mape good job 5/5 on this iono why =P