Its great very well made used geo thing =] Looks outstanding high doubles boxes =] kewl with that! looks fun to play also great job.
Very Fantastic outside is empty though very clean interlocking so pretty much very good! 5/5
Eek very wide open and sloppy couldve made more cover and more bigger.
Well made looks really fun but no interlocking used it couldve made map better and cleaner. So everything is good except no interlocking so its...
Seems very small for a 4v4 but the interlocking is great and if 4v4 then its a rumble! =] and could get fun great job.
Wow im assuming this is a really fun mini game to play really well made love the floating thing!
I love the bridge thing but more pics would help me judge this or put my opinion on this map. And couldve interlocked but so farr so good?
Omg your maps are the best! you always bring it to the highest! love your interlocking and i also love the brigde thing in the middle.
Wow i love it its fantabulous best map i seen today! alot of interlocking and its great very clean! I wun make a map as good as this =] 5/5
Doesnt look like an island to me but i guess nice use of interlocking and all that! Its also pretty wide open on the sidees.
Alot of interlocking involved mustve took you long time i like the tube things with the shield doors! Looks really fun to play! =] 5/5 for hard work!
Lol love the pipe its a great idea but couldve made it bigger so that there would be alot more fighting in it =] looks great good job with...
Its alright it sometimes looks as if theres no 3rd hand tho. but i can see it! lolololol cool pic.
Couldve added more cover! also im not really interesting in armories and all taht but its alright i guess. Try harder next time 2.5/5
Looks like fun and I LOVE THE STAIR thing! it kews or the bridge thing. Alot of merging and interlocking great job 4.5/5
Ive seen many more scarabs than this and this one is sloppy couldve made inside better also! But i guess its a good try.
Looks alright for a 1st map post!? iono couldve used clipping/interlocking and some spots are open. 2/5 nice try though
Wow looks helal kew can go alot of places on this map nice interlocking with some couldve interlocked all! great job tho! =] 3.8/5
Wow made really good nice interlocking but then the sniper spawn place of gridlock could have been better good job i love it! looks aright to play...
Looks great but kinda sloppy i see some interlocking but not all all is better than none and some! The sniper spawn is great ttho =]