I really love how it looks like epitaph =] Good job i love it. AWESOME WITH THE FILTER USE ALSO.
Looks amazing. Love the interlocking and the floors =] and the flying objects like the wire spools and crates it creative.
Looks Crazy Wild =] The interlocking is aright you make this map look very unique some how . Great job.
Looks great for a non-interlocking map, but couldve made it better if u interlockd looks fun to play also. I really like the under part of this...
Looks fun in that tunnel =] nicely made and done. Looks like lots of fun to drive in also with warthhog 0.o or ghost =] with da boost great job...
This map is really great and i would love to see action pics. I love the interlocking and clean merging. It is very unique map to play. And nice...
Looks great but some places have like alot of cover but some has good cover and some has less cover nice interlocking and well made love how you...
Looks more cleaner than the one ive seen someday much better also love the spawn boxes its a good start. You made it seem as if there was...
Looks great alot of interlocking also love the middle =] and your use of the double walls thow they are slanted it gives the map a guile. Good job...
Looks great for a non-interlocking map!? Nice pictures and palcement of the weaopns. Lol Love the turret pwnage! =P
Nice remake but could be easily killed and really fun thoug =] Also couldve made it really more cleaner. Good job though
Looks great i love your maps btw!? NH! =] nice interlocking and use of camo and overshield lolololol. cOULD BE LOTS OF FUN.
Looks aright outside is still very wide open and couldved used interlocking the whole time to make very clean and nice and neaty. Add more cover...
Looks fun and very well made its just that the map is really open to attack or kill people. More pics would help me decide if this map rating.
Looks aweseome but not really mlgish. Alot of interlocking involved also so good job with that Couldve been cleaner though. I give it a 3.8/5
Very Well made looks fun to play FFA not CTF though Couldve used alot of interlocking and Merging here though AWESOME THOUGH.
Looks great and all nice interlocking and yea but very wide open in the middle and near bases. And seems its really easy to score cuz the flag...
Nice job love the ceiling and walls =] I dont get this map though 0.o... explain!? haha
Wow nice scenery and geomerging and interlocking everything looks nicely made. Also love the symmetry. Great job! =] 4/5 though
=] my DESKTOP! =] [IMG] awesome! =]