Looks fun for FFA and nice placement of the scenery objects i think =P good job 4/5
Uhm...sounds grerat but you can pretty hide alot of places its big you should block somes areas so that it would be more funner? or i just dont...
I think it sounds fun and itll be fun if alot of people play say about 6-10 players would be good for this game good thinking i wish i could pleh...
Aye man the pics arent working i wun see i wun see haha
Looks fun in the building you should post up more ofwhats inside cuz it looks great outside is ok but atleast you closed it up. 3/5
Tehee messy but thats how it is great job i love it alot of interlocking involved love the caves or tunnels good job i guess 4/5
Very unique nice placement and interlocking used most of map the train thing is cool although alto of people tend to use it, the underground is...
Dang looks really fun to platy for FFA nice placement of scenerey objects they nice! nice drop in picture tehee good job 4/5
Looks extremely fun for slayer and ctf good use of the map using all of it nice interlocking good job i say 4/5 =P
I love the semi circles and the placement of other scenery objects the coils are cool i guess seem alot of fun for FFA good job but you can...
Looks fun for FFA nice places to fight and stuff but easy pickup on the weapons but still i love the elevation of it looks great 3.5/5
Looks interesting to play but since if swat i think there should be more cover and more ways to the ball no just one. good thinking about the Swat...
Looks fun to play in and teh pictures are nice i love the ship and the landing place for it i love it good job 4/5 for this map
EEeeek pics arent working breh uhm lol nothing to say cuz no pics.......1/5 no pics tehee!
Thee kinda open but the scenerey is nice you couldve interlocked if didnt czu i dont see any of that. Looks aright to play 3.5/5
I love the floating sutff but the bottom is way empty i like the stair thing but i as going to use that as a bridge but it has to be upside down...
You can get the blue door and other stuff like the a or b signs by over filling the map thats how i get it sometimes. and the building here looks...
Tehee looks like fun to play i say 4/5 tho i think that cone thingsw looks awesome tho kewlio