Couple notes: the INV gravity areas are invisible, not inverted. I don't know if they still have the particle effect but the area denotation is...
Also you don't HAVE to do the three-base thing. You can still just do 1, though if you do three you gotta watch out for potential...
The whole 'reactor room-low grav' thing reminds me of... whatever it's called from Reach. Overall I think it looks good and I like the symmetry...
Aight that looks pretty fun. Must admit. Though I'm not sure how well the dropping walls would play out with multiple people playing... Also,...
Oh I agree. I'm mainly talking about the custom options though - even though those games aren't in rotation, just because they WILL be doesn't...
Yah srsly. There are SO many things that need changing and improvement, and these are minor compared to the overall scheme. Allowing Flood to...
The only thing I can think of is changing the labels and spawn sequence... but I don't think a.) it would despawn if the base was taken, nor b.)...
Agree with the above. Kinda wish there was an effect that affected only objects (and not screens), but you done good, son.
Actually, Peter, I disagree with you. It would have to be maps specifically built for a gametype, obviously, but it's not impossible. You could...
It kinda looks like even VIP isn't in, actually. That bites. I miss Agents and actually fun races. =( I want both of em in. Seriously. Also I...
I think you could simulate a skyline by bringing your map up as high as is allowed, and perhaps with massive pieces just block off the edges of...
Not, I imagine, the big ones though; just the building ones? Likeeee I can't think of the name but my favorite (besides of course the best to get...
What, like Firefight maps? That'd be insane. Although I gotta say, I don't know how well any of them could play out.
I like wade's idea. I kinda fell off the map in forge for Reach, even though it was much easier... it just wasn't the same. I missed Foundry and...
what the hell is your problem??? inbred is still on my friends list, AND im still unblocked by him.
so you plan on one for the mythics eh? sorry if im a late poster, i got this map off a file share and couldn't beat it so i dropped by here. and...
.... so smooth...
no; her name is spelled Kristal. and you said you had studied for seven hours at 5:30 which was impossible at that time. and yes, i only studied...
well... im looking... and i studied too. though i had to finish my math first. so i think i failed. i only studied 1 hour. D= sad... man. i hate...