It was when I sucked at H3. I don't know if you ever played it but the Pit was one of the maps I found had the most camping, sword especially. If...
^He means on the map. Control the drop points. Something you can't do.
So you're implying there is no way to beat a sword camper('s team). Which is wrong. You're not making any sense.
Nope. It'll work the same way on every map. The only problems I've found with it is when it hits at a weird angle and ends up horizontal or in...
Yeah I haven't updated it since '08. On account of mostly not releasing my forge maps and thus not posting. Or even really hanging around that often.
Uh? I don't think you read the post. Also that title is in reference to the Most Interesting Man in the World meme.
Yeah, well, with his team supporting him, with a sword with sprint, you're not getting to him anyway. May as well give up the route until he...
It's impossible.. as it always has been. >_> This add would be nice but I don't want to see it until they fix the other huge issues this game has.
Oh I'm not suggesting removing the slots. Of course they're necessary, else people WOULD camp in there. The fact that the smart ones don't is...
Not if players go for the sword guy. I'm saying the grenade slots have always been pretty pointless, and that now once someone has the sword in...
Because Reach at least shipped with Race. Even though I preferred VIP, at least it had that. ... God I miss Agents.
Well I'm not ENTIRELY sure this'll work, but here's what I know about teleporters: If you go in the teleporter as a human facing the 'point' part...
As it is, sword camping is probably impossible to counter on this map now. For one thing, anyone with a brain in 3 didn't camp in the actual room....
LOVED the Pit and I was super psyched when I saw the first screenshot. Then I saw the second and was like aww that was the actual pit. And now I'm...
Not hard, unless you want to create a floating gravity zone. Trait zones can't do it.
Fair point. Kudos.
Sorry, I meant cancel out the additional gravity. By using an upside-down volume. That said, I completely agree and want to find a good way to do...
Gotcha now. It's an interesting concept but I think it's worthy of note that you can also cancel out gravity using additional gravity volumes;...
I thought so too, but then I re-read it and thought he was trying to hide invisible gravity volumes, which are, mind you, invisible. But now...
This post confuses me. What are you getting after?