Sign meh up! Xbox Live Gamertag: dekulink333 ForgeHub Username: DekuLink333 Age: 14 (And a half! :O Haha) Do You have a mic?: Yup Requested...
Triple post=Fail. I have a question. What technique do you use for geo-merging? The door and teleporters technique? Or the spawn a double box...
Yea these are some really good finds. Someone look up hexagons on Bungie. Maybe it has to do with something. And why didn't anyone look in those...
I LOVE this map. I have TONS of fun on this map. Territories is great. I saw it in your "preview" thread and I've been waiting for it ever since....
I wanna be one of the leaders. I've been here for a while. :) We all need to get together in a LIVE party and search the maps. It could be fun.
We should Just change the group name to "The Easter Egg Hunters" if you can.
I was just getting a fact out there. That's all. Anyway, maybe we should expand into "The Easter Egg Hunters"?
ORLY? Page 10. You didn't think of that first. I think I rest my case.
What about the ruins on each side? You know, out in the deserted areas. Maybe there's something there. Same with the crashed covey ship.
I tried it and it didn't work. Arg! But I downloaded it and it works fine. EDIT: I figured out why it wouldn't work. I kept putting the...
You need to fix the breaks in the next version asap. And yet it still is the sexiest casual map I've ever played.
That's what she said. It really is a great map, if you redid it with the forging techniques now.... it would be kick arse!
Yea Sand Tarp might be a good gamble, but I still think that it might be on another. We never know; right?
Well I love video games, the interwebz, web design and graphic design. I also love making maps and I have a few in the works. I also own a Zelda...
Yea. Don't ruin it for us. ARG. But what about it being on another map? They never said it was on Sandtrap. Just a Huge easter egg. I vote for...
I think that the frigate is the Ziz. We should thoroughly examine the ship and see if we can get inside of it. Maybe when you use the pan-cam...
What do you mean by "activate" the egg?
What about in Aegis Fate? Is there a way we could get inside of it? (not the modded one) There may be something in there.... maybe a Ziz?
Amazing. This is the kinda map that is fun yet respectable. One of my favorite maps now. Keep forging!
I'm enjoying it. I've downloaded so many maps that I can't decide which ones to delete! And I can't wait to post my maps.