"No economic expert saw this coming; Bush definatly did not." Get your facts strait first. They saw this and said that if they don't do...
Happai Bee Dai
:( Sorry, I searched, and didn't find anything. I really suck at searching. Could you be so kind as to link me?
Although we know it's probably not sandtrap, I noticed something that would aid us in the search of the giant Easter egg of halo (the secret of...
And this application might be?
Like I haven't tried. Couldn't find it...
Ok then. I guess that's it. Nice seeing you. P.S. I can haz full size pic of ur avy?
Yay hey hai thar
That sounds more like equipment to me.
That idea is full of Epoch Win.
I love this thread. Just a few things to say.... Sweeny: Rant more, you're hilarious. The Spartan III: WOW. Go become an hero. Everyone else:...
Holy F*cking Sh*t. Finish it. EPIC WIN
This map is great. The forging is ok though not great. I suggest you align the stuff better And maybe tweak the spawns to be a little less...
Haha sorry for ruining the God damn experience, and I know I' gonna get shot in the foot, but you can still get out by the A sign and crate with a...
Very nice map, It looks a little small though for my tastes, and why did you have it all on top of double boxes and stuff? you could have just...
What map is that?
Oh. My. God. This is THE best map ever. When I was playing it, I couldn't contain what I saw and ended up committing suicide in the game....
I looled. That was classic at 1:29. Hahahaha.
...... D*MN. This is THE most well-thought out map ever..... EVAR! 3452/10 man, this is amazing. Perfect interlocking and un-speakable Aesthetics....