Good Sugestion , i was thinking about something like this but you clear my way to post this map pack. Tomorrow new pics for the second map Space...
I will do the official post after the launch of the DEFIANT map pack . And you will see more about this map pack ! ;)
First : Narrows not a HALO 2 map its a HALO 3 map . Second : Post more pictures , i dont really see how the midle is done ! Last : Do a weapon...
The map looks fantastic, I like the use of the environment. Good job! This map use 4 kind of environement ( A dock or the beach , The Cayon ,...
[IMG] Hey guys , This is my first map i've done on Reach ! This map will in my new map pack called Inheritor. Im not very good for...
I have a lot of 1v1 ,map so if you want it .... My GT : is NoX Ripshaw
This map are not from URTCH2 ?
Srry the name Vortex have been take for my and Firepheonix map
Thanks man ! You really think it can be feature or the FH fav. ?
Thanks to all of you and i will update this thread and this map cauz people want more information about it and cowboypickle show me some escape on...
Authors: The 99 Forgers, titou du 78 Map Name: The Oracle Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Small Player Count: 2-6 Supported...
i was making a map like this ! Anyway you can make a fiesta saley game with low gravity and high speed !
Itest all those map and its was insane ! Secrecy are amazing but paladin need more cover at each elbow .
Ya i remember this map i test it with you (I rapped you all in the oddball match ) !
Ya before it was called shrine but its not totaly the same map with same gameplay .
Looks epic invite me for testing please !
New Map Pack From all The 99 Forgers Member ! [IMG] VorteX (Evolved) : BTB version of the map VorteX from Fire Pheonix and me on...
Im making a map and it could be great to play regen on it ! If you want i send youi it and you set up it for Regen ?
Wow that looks amazing i know its a teaser but can you add more pictures ? And maybe take off the effect on the scnd map .
Srry man your picture do not work . Try photobucket to embed your picture !