I think it should be cool to have a different layout for Avalanche .... If you need my help here is my GT : Frenchys
I know but its really open on the top mid .... so i added some brace . But anyway i'm rebuilding it without angled brace .
"Timberlands using one of the bases" ^^^ I dont know what do you meen by using one of the beses from Timberlands , I've been looking for 10...
I dont know if you read the whole post .... but i said why : This is design by Swils24 3 years ago for halo 3 and i made it for reach 2 weeks ago...
Remember this ?..... MORE PICTURES !!! The Library The Library, SketchUp File This is my first *real* attempt at designing a map. It takes...
Interesting Contest (better than the other) Make me in !
Wow .... i saw about 6-10 power weapon on the map ...... Its alot . The map looks small .....maybe the picture make that effect ? Anyway i...
Well thank you ......... i like to forge with someomne ...... it's more interesting ! I got a couple idea's for our Pit Remake (Reamagination)...
Well i suggest you to but the spare clips at 0 . Or put it as a Central Weapon .
I played on this last night ....... Sniper Rifle can't do it on that map . Its to small for holding a Sniper .
Well it looks interesting ! How is the gameplay on it ?
Well with the picture i think is the best remake of Blood Gulch but i still need to play a game on it to say that is the best . Question: Did you...
Yup the name is awsome ! Kepp it or change it for something more stupid !
I think you will need my help . GT : Frenchys
Wow you did a great job since last night ! I cant wait to play on it !
Your base are more better . But i guest the map is not finish ? You still need to build the red base and maybe add more structure ? Anyway i like...
I like a lot your base , they are amazing ! Good aestetic and layout for the base. But the rest of the looks to me confusing ......maybe if i walk...
This^ Amazing remake ! I would like to have a game on it. Gt: Frenchys
Youtube can help you ....
Well i came out with that name suggestion .... and i we will keep it for the only reason that stupid name like Replicant, Acacia, Cadence, Voodoo,...