Try listening to the clip with headphones. That's what I did, and it helps your ability to dissect the clip bit by bit.
[IMG] Well, I know it's not much. It was on the Reach Dev Blog. Just wondered what you amazerifically talented Forge Hubbers had to say.
You should probably give credit to Rifte Gifle, the pioneer of these sorts of drop-pods. This is basically his pod, but with a mongoose shoved...
Here's a link to several tutorials. I recommend the Photobucket one, but that's just my personal preference.
Hm. Perhaps I shouldn't be so perceptive, then. Very well. Good day to you, sir.
Do you and Nitrous share a gamertag? They're both aNitrous, and seeing how that wouldn't make any remote sense how you could both have the same...
These games are from my entire gaming existence. No particular order. The Saboteur Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (still haven't beat it, dammit!)...
[IMG] Nagato=<3 How do you guys get those little theme-esque things for your clock/date display?
Oh. Heh.
Um, Massachusetts. Why?
I'd say that these are some of my favorites. No particular order. Dr. No Star Trek (the new one) Dark Knight Alien The Star Wars ORIGINAL...
Bleargh. I hate Mondays. Today, I walked into math class and found out that there was a test that I didn't know about for some reason, which threw...
Why has nobody commented on this? I personally think it's a great wallpaper. The dark, rainy feel of this wallpaper just attracts me for some...
Will do. Just so this isn't totally spam, I would most likely boot up Campaign on one of the higher difficulties, like Heroic or Legendary, just...
Sandbox, for it's size and range of immoveable objects. Longshore, for floaty objects and stuff. Foundry, for it's cool metal-y theme and it's...
So, what will you do? Will you: A. Start up Campaign to get yourself acquainted with the new controls, weapons, etc? B. Try to find yourself a...
The flow isn't that bad, but granted, it's not perfect, either. If you named the sig "Carbine," then I think that there should've been a little...
My vote goes to Box Cat, since it's a nice scenic shot that stands out from the competition.
I found a good reggae tune a few days ago. I thought I'd share, but it seems to be popular. I'm just really not into music from this century....
Thanks for hosting that amazing TGIF, Insane. I had a blast and lots of laughs.