make it uncheatable. in other words force them to go around the track before scoring. this is ussually done by makeing the scoring thing in the...
Gman u cant have the container spawn on the ground. i did it by making the tank spawn in the beggining of the game and then having the container...
ill help. 6 ppl is a lot, but it could be interesting with so many. a lot of knowledge in one map. GT: BKBillsFan send me a FR and a time when u...
if i get the time.
Titmar why do u think his map will fail
yea. at least you tried to to embed pics. most new ppl just saw screw it.
wow thats funny as hell. i put it in the water and took a pic. if there was a pic forum on this site id post it.
LITTLE PIGS (map name) -or- most dangerous prey (could be game type)
yea why would his map fail. Are the ghosts gonna come and mess with his stuff?
lol. Yavi you pwn a lot of people
this is a pretty good falcon. with a little work i think you could be the second mason.
Yavi i think there should be a rule about reading at least the first post. i have seen many posts like . Alien to answer your question you...
wow i cant read all that text. my eyes hurt. i reccomend you just make a map with multiple levels with multiple ways to get to each level. dont...
man why didnt i think of that; its so simple. i can see the headlines now. Man beats down gravity with his legos of forgitude.
you should try and work with the guilders in hosting these. it would pry make it easier. and it would be more organized
very unique mini game. i think it should have more players though
what if you made it like a mancannon maze of sorts. not an actual maze but when you go through the man cannon you land in a tunnel which leads to...
off topic: in the reply section you can change the subject. will that change the topic title? on topic: i havent used legos since i was like 10,...
well i have to warn you about small hallways and such. small hallways are bad if there is only one way to get to them.
i tried that already and it didnt play out well. maybe if stuff was placed good it would work but idk. all i know is i failed in that gametype