Congrats on the feature!! I really like the central area. I cant believe I missed this one! It looks really pretty, but this really isnt my style...
TO SOMEONE WHO HAS THE MAPS Are there any objects we can use to geo-merge, such as a door?
um . . . . major bugs? That doesnt sound cool
That was amazing . . . thx tdf and vice. Next time, better camera anglz plz tho. Still wanna no if killballs make noiz tho . . . any one kno?
I'm really likin the warthog-dropper. Ship maps arent very original, but you seem to have originalized(is that a word?) this one. I actually had...
Do you guys think we will be able to get to the "DOOM towers"? Or will there be a static barrier like Sandtrap. I kinda wanna get out there . . ....
Do you guys think we will be able to get to the lazery towers? Or will there be a static barrier like Sandtrap. I kinda wanna get out there . . .
I'm likin it. Cold Storage is really under-used and you have done a superb job of making a creepy infection version of it. I had contmplated doing...
Lolz. Gotta love that last pic. Great map, though I must say not very original. The quality of the map more than makes up for the lack of...
This is pretty epic. Conquest maps are amazing, and this just blew my mind. DLing right now. 4.5/5. Keep up the good work, man.
i say nay on teleporters. but otherwise exellent interlocking 5/5 good gameplay 4.5/5 nice asthetics 4.5/5 keep forgin!
like the idea alot. i think it could be a little more neat tho. i realize that the messiness may be part of the theme, but i think some areas...
i agree with solo. its a little small. great asthetics tho and looks fast paced, and i likey fast pacededness =)
very cool. asthetics 5/5 extremely smooth overall map 4/5 downloading.