Totally forgot. Duh. Listen to him, not me. >>HOW TO USE HALOSCREENSHOTS.NET<<
Good Day sir. Your post is not up to standards. You need at least one embedded pic within the next 24 hours or Forgehub will most definitely rape...
Hello good sir and welcome to forgehub. Your post is not up to standards. It needs at least one embedded picture. You have (i think) 24 hours to...
Where on valhalla is that pic??
For the laser, use one of the sandbox ones, and just block off every other direction for the laser to shoot except down the path of the "laser...
Grav-lifts do not fall through the Collumn, damaged small, enabling someone to fly upward infinitely.
Where does it say that??
This, good sir, is by far the best canvas on sandbox i have ever seen. Congratulations. By the way, how did you move the objects out of the limits...
When killballs are merged into objects, they tend to not kill you . . . but only near where it is merged ALSO WORKS WITH RADAR JAMMERS
I haz em! GT same as name
I didnt make it, but from what I can tell: They blocked off the towers by placing a few immovable objects in front of each tower. There is like 10...
I dont think this has been posted yet: Halo 3 File Details They blocked the towers so you have HUGE amounts of space, bigger than the skybubble.
Is it any good??
But does it turn the towers off?
Does anyone know yet as to whether or not you can overload the map to turn off the laser towers??
Wait . . . . is Orbital bigger than Assembly, or vice versa?
But can you go to the place where the lasers come out?
Can you overload the map to turn off the lasers? If so, can you travel all the way out to them?
About those bugs you were talking about earlier, are they major? Do they ruin it? EDIT: Also, can we just place an immovable object in front of...
I luvz Conquesty. This is actually very original, I like the look and feel of it. Plays very smoothly, looks even better, and haz power ups that...