Please dont post the title of map twice, and some interlocking would be nice to smoothen things up, but good map aside from that. 7/10
Ha Ha, the actual statue looks pretty funny, but you should interlock those double boxes at the bottom of the map 4/5
This map might be good If you actually made the objects straight, and on those barriers I see in your pictures, put weapon holders on top so they...
Thanks, never thought about using dumpsters to line up my walls, so I have to try that out sometime
I'm a big fan of crazy buildings, reminds of one of those paintings you see with upside down staircases. 5/5
Based on the things you said, The map seems very empty, and didn't take much time or effort. If you embed pictures I might change my mind about...
I like how it sort of looks like a whale
How do you make the box flat on the ground? Whenever I try It goes through the top box
well CMNeir what is YOUR favorite power up?
I love needlers in custom games, I'll be glad to test ( Burnin BR ) and lemme know you gt cuz people wnat to steal my ip
I give you props man, your interlocking is WONDERFUL, and the overall layout is the wonderful icing
Why have you done this, brings back countless memories of try after try to get the achievement, I sware i wasted 3 weeks for that acheivement, but...
PLEASE don't put clusters of weapons in designated areas, spread them out
if you make the humans invicible, shooting does 0 damage but splatters an instant kill
lol "Pick you favorite power up" I think this is a better version of the H3T map
I had LOOOOAAADSS of fun testing this map (burnin br) and im glad to see my friend show off in modeling skills in the bottom two, all i can say is...
Theme/Image-- Burning battle rifle Colors-- black with random symbols for a backround Text-- Burnin BR "If you don't like it, BuRn it." Misc.--...
I remember seeing this on your youtube channel and glad to see where this nice map belongs!
This map looks very well done, if you made this outside of the map you wouldn't need the honor rule. 5/5
Like I said, I couldve made it perfectly smooth but to make it more realistic, I didn't