i thought you might want to know that your map has been altered and posted under a different name on mlgpro.com the guy who posted it has been...
right now, your map is very linear. sure, the middle area has a few branches / side rooms, but the real problem is how your bases only have 1...
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to build a map that is true to HeH's size while including the trench. There just aren't enough objects. This...
hornets just really don't belong in competitive maps
i don't buy it that this map only took you an hour to build. sure, it doesnt look very planned out (i dont understand why you would put 2 sniper...
That's great news that the jumps are indeed possible. Also... yeah, openramp-to-br3 was probably the most complicated jump in Halo 2 (excluding...
i feel that your central structures are so epic that they make your red and blue bases look kind of lame in comparrison. any hope a v2 will...
i wouldn't necessarily call this a remake. not to say your map doesn't play well--i kind of like the changes you've made to it--but there are some...
to be honest, this looks more like a paintball map than a map for halo. it's really 1 dimensional. the design reminds me of a simpler narrows,...
this remake looks absolutely amazing. i remember seeing a lot of other remakes that were unable to include all the sections of the original map,...
the only thing i really dislike about your map is that really thin wall near "red spawn." not to be mean or anything, but it's hideous. it really...
certain areas of this map have way too much cover, others have way too little. it wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't that you are...
i was going to ask how you dealt with the issue of ladders, but from the other posts i'm understanding that you just have jump-up locations? it...
i'd just like to say how much i love it that your maps do not involve paper-thin structures. almost everything in this design is substantial and...
2nd picture = Must download. I love it when an MLG map doesn't look like toddler blocks stacked into forts. Those slanted pillars are a huge...
i'm sorry if this comes across as condescending, but i don't see how you can enter this map into the remake contest. there are a ton of changes...