Big team maps would be nice but matchmaking is unfortunatly geared more twords MLG style team slayer, which means small scale no vehicles. IMHO...
Sounds like a "ducks" setup. One player is sniper while others (forced color yellow) have to run a guantlet to get to a switch, item, power weapon...
All structures are classed as unmovible once they have been place, the physics only take in effect when grabed (for phased) and once let go (for...
Sort of the same thing as king, I mean I have an idea and after I start working on it I get a plan and may or may not rough sketch it out. For...
Budget is no problem, it is the alocations and item allotments. Fore example, I want to make four of theses for a map. But I can only place 24...
I got it to where it dose work, but just not at the consistency I want it at. But if yoou could send me a link of where I could download it. So...
I have a plan for an invaison map idea, Got a rough sketch but first I need to make a relible delevery system AKA the drop pod. I know it is not...
14573311 Sorry for being so late but had a long 12 hour work day. And to make matters worse I was up till 3 hashing out some ideas as well as a...
Drop pod with a drop down door. All set to activate after the switch is tripped in sequecne. Hope to make 4 of them in a map. I have it over...
looks nice, I'll have to download it and play test it.
mabey instead of giant walls you could replace that with soft/hard kill boundries. That would look allot nicer than cluncky forge world walls....
If only you could forge in those elephants. There are some weapons and vehicles I wouldn't mind seeing in HAL0 reach, strike that, I would love to...
Sorry but the video hasn't been rendered yet, so I guess I am going to have to post it tomorrow. Well at least I can post up some screen shots on...