Hey man thanks for all the comments, i appreciate it, oh and have you tried out any of my other older maps, i may start to light up forge hub with...
Thanks for the comment, most people just rate the threads and post a comment without even trying out the game and map which is really dumb, i can...
Hey thanks for the nomination!!!!!!!
It's perfect for me, but you should go and try it out yourself! Get a feel for the track and nail it! Oh and by the way thanks for all the...
hey i see that you were checking out my race track, what do you think?
Yeah at first when i made this, i wasnt watching my money because i usually glitch it at 300 dollars or so, and i was down at like 120 so i had to...
Alright ill take somethings into consideration but believe me, all i do is make race tracks, I messed around with the grav lifts and jimmies and...
YOUR MAP!!!!!!!!!! lol the towers were my idea and made them haha, it's both our map lol ill post it tomorrow., wee need screen shots!!!!!!
I would totally do that but i totally ****ed up the map, so would destroy most of it to fix the infinite money, idk if you know how to work that,...
[IMG] Created by: AnF Ryan Special Thanks To: meleemaster246 & Velocikiller Gametype: AnF Racing 1-8 Players Overview- This race track is called...
Alright thanks for the critique, i pretty much all the available item for this map, i actually quota'd out the map far past the infiinite money...
Yee i know, those zombies get in soo fast and because they are half camo they go crazy and kill people, yah im thinking of some new stuff, but ive...
Crazy and new! thats straight up 7~!
Dude check your private visitor messages cause we can talk without getting infracted, i sent you one already so txt me back oh and txt me!! omg...
Oh come on!!! melee master totally helped me put a train track in, and velocikiller is giving me mental support/secretary lol dude message me im...
Yeah im up for it dude, so message me, oh and yeah... im almost done with my new track so ill just hold it and not release it until your done with...
Idk when this happened but Hayes told me that you challenged me to a forge off, and I accept, me, hayes and antony r working on it right now and i...
Alright first of all, we are making a V2 right now and will be fixing most of the easily to fix problems, and second of all, i didnt do a good job...
Ok just because your one of Dreams little buddies doesnt mean that you can give a pro score like him, so stay with your tracks and we will stay...
[IMG] Created by: AnF Ryan & Velocikiller Summary- She vs Pod, is an infection mini type game. This game is hosted on The Plateau, map on...