Yeah thanks everyone for the comments, I am almost positively sure that a mongoose snipers game on this map would be bomb, maybe some honor rules...
DUDE ITS A ROLLERCOASTER i.e. Space Mountain! LOL, it doesnt matter about cheat proofing, its about the ride! Try them both out first then...
It's quite popular, ive had a few thousand downloads over the coarse of the year without forgehub. I re did the first a little and put it on my...
Space Mountain Created by: AnF Ryan Special Thanks: Velocikiller, AnF Knight, AnF Background- I created Space Mountain, a year ago from...
Thanks! The train was a fun addition to the map! I would like to thank the guy who may, End of the Line, for the inspiration of the train, also...
Well thank you for the concerns, I kinda hoped that players would go through the map and find out all the hidden spots before actually playing,...
Thanks again everyone for all your comments, if possible, I would love it if anyone could send me some other comments about the gameplay... Most...
Fo-Shizzle! (im gunna get infracted for that comment lol) :)
First of all I would like to say thank you everyone for your nominations on this track for best track of the year! This track took me a good 20...
This map is totally off the deep end, the turns and stuff make me feel like im high while driving in the sky, idk what that is supposed to mean...
:) I like this post really nice, I love this map aswell any rollercoaster map is a 6/5 on my part, nice interlocking and placement, really nice!
Thanks dude! I have gotten about 5 nominations so far on the best race maps so I say that I have gotten alot of attention, I also posted a video...
Yah im in graphics class right now, with a headache ommmgg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hariry monkey
dude stopp replying on your page, click my name and reply on my page, cause idk that you sent something to me lol
Ok so like check it! This map is really sick, its very fast paced and like the ending sucks hahaha im kiddin, lol the whole map is really good,...
IM not your goonie! fine lol thanks for the union station nomination
Dude the guy below me has like commented up like all the tracks really fast haha
Not all race tracks are made for everyone to ride on it perfectcly. A driver must be aware on his position and of the road infront of him, and...