you win this thread! you get this:omg: congradulations ps i belive we will all die in 2012.
wow dats cool, im gonna make one withe the swoard and hyubasa( or however u spell it) ill post wat it looks like;)
hmm, buy a cool car and buy some guns for when da zombies come to kill us. and a 6 month xbox live
welcome to forge hub! hope u like it here!;)
Hmm, well i win all the time and what i do is i mix it up hitting both B and the bumper in no particular order. mabey u should try that. ;)
hey, i was wondering what kind of armor people like. and i dont want evrey one saying recon! :odst:ps i like odst armor.
what level is he on?
congradulations on ur new outlook on life!
im mostly an objective, but alos kinda main slayer
its cool ;) ps i hope u dont mind if i use that idea
she is blind so she cant see so its all black. get it? ps:lmao:lol:
lol this inspired me to make a king of the hill game like this. ill make a thread about it soon.
i like it, i would like 2 play this ;)
o sry
sorry dis is my second thread...
the second one was easy
looks cool! ;)
let me know what u think of my emblem and halo guy. u can give me stars and stuff. (up to 5 stars) like this would be 3 stars ***
hi, im new and i thoght i would say hi 2 evrey 1
hey what will this be called id like 2 watch when its done