you should put holes in the floor for a old shrine/dungon effect or something
Hmm, looks cool if u make it smaller u could make it ur sig.
yeah, i punch to, and shoot. to sum it all up i mess whit dead bodies alot of different ways.
draw ur favorit kind of halo armor and use it as ur sig or avatar. i suggest drawing hayabusa or ODSTs :odst:
:scout:the second one is really cool
i teabag in campain some times too, like in that level when the profit dies i teabag him, or chieftins, or grunts.... ok i teabag alot in campain!...
2 minutes and 30 seconds of pure coldness- i mean coolness
the humans should get snipers just to help them a bit
*sings* all i want for chistmas is for bungie to give me recon
i only tea bag my freinds, hackers, or jerks. but i still tea bag and i think its funny :lol:
sniped 100g get 5 no scopes al caPWNed 50g get a killtacular with the SMG in any ranked game bungie budy 100g get recon from bungie we dont...
tkx it looks cool :)
i was killed bith ways... i was coned and killed by jacking a wraith.
wow cool track. u should make like fusion coils for people to run into and stuff
cool, u should use only hammers/swoards on this map, like a gladiator battle.
go ahead and make it and change it people call it unoriginal, who knows ur idea, could be the thing evrey one else copies;)
wow thanks dude! im totally gonna use this in my new maps. mabey ill make a bidge of floating stuff or something.
maby master chief and arbiter shooting covenent together or something like that. let me know if thats too hard cus it kinda sounds hard.
hey can u make me one of those moving sigs/avatars? i will put at bottem made by orbital:)
make one with a stick person getting shot by a guy in a window in the distance. if thats to hard just have a guy walk up 2 another guy and shoot...