ok, i have a proplem that i hope one of you can answer, i was playing halo and i thought hmm i have alot of gammer score, shouldent i have some...
well i like teabagging, its funny
hey if u like ben 10, heer are are some cool games i made. tryem and let me know wat u think or just playem 4 fun a swampfire...
teabagging is an art, and must be exicuted delicatly
lol, i wasnt bieng literal. :lol:
look at the thing u said and the way u said it..... no wonder u tink school iz dumb ps: i could go for some matchmaking right now..... :odst:
my brothe sux so bad, he had a hammer and a neddler when i had a br and i killed him. o and he had an over shield.
if we were playing halo right now id snipe u the teabag u for 2 reasons, 1: REVENGE!!! 2:ur sig is hot :squirrel_eyebrow: ps: just kidding ;)
Hmm, i like you, u remind me of some one i know very dearly..... ME!!!!!(mostly cus im 14 too) so i think ill be ur first freind in forge hub ps...
just what i was going to say but then i looked at that other video..... mabey its a glich??? :confused:
i agree with ehand88, u need to really want it. i had the same problem u had. i was epicly failing in school. but then in the 3rd quarter i got a...
lol ninja rapist
looks cool so far but mabey u could put some plasma batteries on the track
looks great! and alot like new mombasa! also looks like a great place for infection cuse it looks kind scary. 5/5 ps mabey u should also make a...
nice map, good for fire fights,i like that in a map 4/5
oww!!!! my brain!!!!!!!! ps i see dna as an idea of thought
yeah, me too exept ive been stuck while teabagging.... in the sack!!!
i think only god knows ps some of that stuff made my brain hurt....
mabey your desktop????
punching bag 40g get beat down 10 times in any ranked game rapist 30g teabag 10 players in anny ranked game bob the builder 25g create 5...