It's a really easy concept. Get either put a teleporter or just stand where a box will spawn. You will be inside the box but can't get out, yet...
I love maps like these. You should look into the SAW maps and my map which I have no link to it. Great map.
In order to make a great map variant, the way the map is played MUST be completely different and in same ways must look different. The map looks...
Hmmm, w/o interlocking it's pretty cool. I'd say... 3.5/5
This map really needs a v2 One: Straighten all objects Two: Fix geomerged objects. Three: Add more bulk to your structure so it looks like a...
It's special (reply for the first comment), but small. There is good interlocking, but it's really small, you can see the other side easily, so...
Your right, the map lacks aesthentics and has alot of empty space. And quality is unfortunately poor too. BTW the truck thing is cool until...
Looks clean and smooth, DL from me to see how it is.
SOME OF THE WALLS ARE CROOKED!!!! 1/5 j/k j/k A little sloppy in a few places, but looks really well done and fun to play. 4/5
It's looks REALLY cramped. Even though it looks like it has some good interlocking, I can't stand cramped maps. I'll DL just to see how it is.
This map has already been posted. OOO ok I see it's a Fixed Map. Yeah it's a great looking map, but I played it and it has to be 2v2 because...
Hmmm limwire... I'm still a little suspicious of that place. But thanks
Hey good map from someone that has no life and has the maturity of a 6 year old. Someone just make sure he never posts again. It's not funny.
This is a really good map w/o interlocking. BTW actually it takes more skill to interlock perfectly. Not interlocking is consider lazy, but this...
That's some serious racing right there. DL from me
Wow that's some dedication. Looks fantastic. I wish I had the concentration to finish my awsome map... I'll DL and see how it plays.
Not even one pic would be good enough. Yeah and a good description is imperative.
You don't have cribs on halo... it's just not right. But it does look ok. BRUTE CHOPPERZ!
That's some really good interlocking. The map is very clean. Though there isn't any... SPECIAL aethentics beside that hallway with all the trucks....
Kool. Kool. Where did you get it?