I don't mean to really bother, but the name has already been taken. Ofcourse it's not really well known because it's part of the mythic map back,...
Wow! This is extremely amazing. I can't even imagine how hard this must of been. Great job! BTW if you've seen "Wild Wild West" it looks like the...
So it's the "Door" technique. I was a little confused, but I get it. Very interesting.
How very quaint. I love it, it makes me smile. Merry Christsmas!
I like it. It's a good kind of cramped. Like a... storage unit. Looks pretty fun. Good Job!
Wow, I sure that's the closests you can get to a radically good remake of Blood Gultch. Great job!
OK so it's on avalanche. I have to agree with Havoc the boxes do look like they've been thrown randomly. I don't know if that's what you really...
OMG you are forging masters. We're not worthy! How did you geomerge the bridges? I can never do that. :confused:
Yeah he made a roof, but that doesn't do it, you can tell he didn't put that much time on it. Sorry dude, this still doesn't... work.
You have the potential of making this a good map, but one aethentic item does not make a good map. To make this really awsome, fill up the empty...
Nobody say anything about him needed more pics and a better description after this. It's kinda like a tonyhawk scateboardin game, only you can't...
The weapon balance is totally off, playing on it is dull, needs alot more interlocking, the map isn't smooth, there are alot of more things I...
I'm going to put this out here, I'd like more pics, but I'll DL... and tell you what I think tommorow, and PLEASE remind me.
Yeah I was just checking my messages and you have reminded me to tell you what I think. I'm going to put this simply because I haz about 5 hours...
Ok now I can't say anything... but I love the architecture of the map. And yes it's original. Other than that I have to say no words can describe...
What can I say... your post is freaking huge? I haven't seen anything like this b4, and I really don't why so I'll just say great job, your prize...
It looks like a good operations map. good job! but I'd like to see if there's more to the map (I can't DL maps atm)
The simple are often the most eligent (I have no idea how to spell that). Nothing fancy, but looks like it does play very well. There's a certain...
First, kudoos for not using a DLC map. Second, kudoos for a mini game map. AWSOME. Third, the games seems to have to aspects of it, so maybe a...
Ok, sense your knew we're being lenient on you. I know you don't know this, but you've made two infractions. I'm not trying to be mean or anything...