You fixed it slightly! But I'm afraid it's still a bit sloppy. Here are my suggestions. 1.) Enclose, or add too that extra space on the side 2.)...
*Sigh*. I'm sorry, but I don't like it. This isn't the best first post, and there are no pics at all. And you actually tried to make another...
We want more pics. From that one I can't see enough.
Your map is not good, but it's not bad either. The idea of one base being plain, and frankly kinda messy, and the other being just shield walls,...
Dude you ruined it. We play HALO not COD. We wouldn't even recognize it. This map could of been all yours. But, good job making a map from another...
I can't tell much about it. I'll DL it and give my opinion later.
It's a holiday in Cambodia! Weapon balance is off, and yes you did change how the map is changed, but not by much. Good job not using a DLC map,...
*sigh another MLG map* *errhum* very nice interlocking, weapon placement is ok, aesthentics is good, but it seems a little open. 3.5/5
You haz my download with this map. It's a work of art, and playable. 4.5/5
No one post after this. Let the holy mod remove this