Yeah I really love the color on Virus and Crimson Trigger. And if you want I could tell you how to do it... It's not all that hard. And I know...
These are my latest screenshots, and I think they are pretty great! But I really want to know what you guys think! So... What do you think. Please...
I like the first, Aqua, Crystal, and Ghost the best... Nice shots man! Good job, and good luck.
Either that or in the regular screenshots section.
Here is the entry I have chosen for the recon contest. I'm very pleased with it! =) For those of you who have already rated it, could you please...
Here are my entries... This is hard to decide but I think I got it figured out! Also if you want more screenshots, maybe you should raise the...
Good job man, nice shot!! I'm glad this guide is helping people!
These are some shots I took for the Recon contest, so please tell me which you like best! I'm really pleased with the outcome of these shots but I...
Well its really hard to explain but in the dark room on Ghost Town, you need juicy, gloomy, and pen and ink on and you throw a power drain. At the...
Thanks for the comments guys, glad you liked them! =) Well, I used a map that Leeumm gave to me. It has good effects (Juicy, Gloomy, and Pen...
These are my latest shots. Please rate, comment, tag, etc. Emerge [IMG] Scarred [IMG] Mist [IMG]
Its fine, sometimes harsh is the only way to get your opinion out and I respect that as long as you make sure you are giving advice for people to...
Ok so I decided to make a remake based on some of the comments on one of my recent screenshots, Identity. I hope you like it, also please rate,...
Haha so you guys like the blue one huh? It was actually an EXTREMELY hard shot to get!! Its hard to find, you have to have it paused on the...
Hey guys, if you'd like I'd love to be involved in a screenshot game! Send me a message on Xbox Live sometime if you want me to come! I'm online...
Darkside - This is a decent shot but I think if it were a little brighter or had an explosion nearby to give some lighting, cause right now its...
Haha wow this is one of the first times I've actually laughed at a funny shot on here. Usually I think they are kinda dumb but I actually think...
Yeah all of these are broken links and you can't see any of them...
Here are my latest screenshots. They aren't amazing but I like 'em. =) Anyways please comment, rate, etc. Constructive criticism is greatly...
I like the second one better personally, but they are both good IMO!