you need to also see the "How to make a Decent Map" and it may give you a few ideas.
I got the elevator idea from when I went to Florida on Fall Break(a week break we had in september). So I was shuffling stuff around in forge that...
OK 1st, I like the unique maps. When you make something brand new and then everyone copies you, that's what I look for. Just like when people used...
yeah I meant [IMG] DONT BE SMART WITH ME! This map is something like Vanilla. You used the nature around you and build your map around it. Thats...
This is actually a really percisious map. Just make those screan shots [URL]. I walked around and found no mistakes about it, good job.
might need some screenshots if you want us to DL your map... it's kinda a big thing we look at before we DL..
Add me : xFaMouS x KiD I'll play with you on your maps and test it with you if you want. I am not a great judge, but i can tell when something...
I enjoy making maps and playing on my own :) But i just want a little more. It's not all about getting noticed, but not being noticed is really...
Im possitive that I made a better impression. What do you guys think?: Metal Dam
Hello fellow forgers! Map "Metal Dam" is a map based off of a real water electricy dam, but mine is made out of metal. I was watching...
Yeah City streets was really good. It looked kinda small though, but really playable. I think the main reason is because it just had a whole lot...
Wow thanks, I just added those nature corners because there wasnt anything else i could think of to put there, but thanks for the feedback
The time I put in Disperse was about 2 days. I made it then i proof made it, then I re-did all of it to make it perfect. I think it was because I...
I never really got what aesthetics were. I always though is was the way you shaped your map. But what exactly is it?
I always put a lot of time in my maps, I even write them on paper, and in Google SketchUp 8. But it always seems like no one likes it and i earn...
Everytime I post a map that I think it is good, it is never appealing to anyone. So now I ask, what is everyone looking for now-a-days in forge?
the screen shots may not look as if it were the best map ever, but it is really fun to playo n, thanks for trying though :)
This time I made a much bigger and mor cooperative map. I picked up a piece of paper and just started drawing some stuff and after that I came up...
this map looks pretty big lol
so me sayin "why doesnt this map have any comments?" is insulting his map? and actually booting it back up to where people can see it again is...