great aesthetics. The only thing i see that is wrong is that there are a lot of corners and hiding places which makes people want to camp which...
lol you should've waited until the video was up and working and then you shouldve posted it hahhhwehhe
Reminds me of Narrows :P, also great aesthetics. The only thing I see about this that I might not like is the wide open space. It looked really...
you need to post more screenshots. it looks like just a bunch of buildings. The rocks in the back of that screenshot doesnt look at all...
The only way I look at boosting is that you have no life. If you boost even once your the biggest failure at life.
This thread is about anyway you can improve in your map making. And if you make your maps for people to look at then it is about DLs. We all have...
you finaly posted it :) yeah guys try it it is really beast! Especially in infection, it is really dark and scary lol
hey, as long as they are getting more downloads with every map i make im alright :) and that is only the first three ^^ GOT A LOT MORE COMMIN!
if you comment on a map you have to DL it too. But anyways, i Dled it and it looked good for Big Team Slayer. The turrents in the middle may...
I like how you got a few ideas from Narrows, but it isnt very unique. Try coming up with your own ideas, but I'll take a little peak at it, DLed
I am glad I made this thread, becaause it has surely helped me. Look at my progress: Map: Lookout Views: 152 Downloads: 2 Comments: 0 The...
When I played it, ther was no way down to the botom of the tower. The spawning was bad, i respawned on the whole other side of the map, I dont see...
you need more pictures, of the inside of the map and just some basic map shots. I cant DL this ecause it just looks so pain. You have to temp me...
The think I also dont get is that when I post a map, i get a lot of DL's but then no one comments it. I was looking to see where to see how many...
how about picutes inside of the tower, i will DL but you need some more pictures
maybe he just couldnt wait to post it! me love it, I DLED!
It works. The only reason it didnt work for you is because you were probably the only person in the game. It doesnt show the other flag unless you...
it doesnt work? whats wrong with it, it worked for me....
you need more pctures, go to How to Post a Screenshot to learn how.