but with camo you just crouch around and assassinate a guy every time he spawns for like 30 seconds, which can be about 1-4 kills depending on how...
if its a small map i'd take out the camo because you can crouch around and be completely invisible. i would replace it with an over shield. thats...
they wouldnt let me put FFA game types in my map description becuase *** ends up being in the word FFA Game types. stupid i tries doind that with...
i dont know, ive met a lot of posers. legend's gt doesnt have[ask] or the word pimps, and he has reconz, so you would know if you played him. i...
when i was new i posted up to standards the frist time. and ive done it every time since then. its easy, and if you care about your map, which any...
instead of calling it MLG blackout why didnt you just call it lockout. MLG has its own version of blackout already. if you go to the MLG gametypes...
man you are so right. who cares if they are new. they have to obey the rules like every one else. im getting sick and tired of seeing maps with no...
no, it doesnt. just geo-merge the using the door method. and make sure your exact.
close this thread
yeah i was thinking thats what youd say. its pretty much a must that you post the actual maps used by MLG on this page
wow. really? this is sad. its not even a link. its just a url address. no pictures. no really description. why would we possibly want to download...
did you mean: platform? a banister is a sort of railing you would see along a stair case.
thanks dude i appreciate it
thanks for the review.
you probably didnt play with him. there are a lot of people who pretend to be the pros by changing their name slightly MLG maps are usually the...
thanks for putting my maps on there, bud. also, i think you should put some maps that arent on this site in here. amp and onslaught of course, and...
i really like the bases. a few things though. takes the fusion coil out. period. they just don't belong in MLG maps. also i think the top...
im pretty sure your wrong. mlg players will use the weapons that are in the map regardless. the videos you are watching arent them playing in the...
where can i download that foundry sketchup tool. ive been wanting to use it. sweet map. the idea was well executed. 4/5
can i haz interloking?