i was reffering to that in my earlier post
i would actually love knowing how you know this. is it just because midship is purple?
but actually stealing part of the map is totally wrong and should never be done.
i think i remember lukems writing that purple reign was not an halo 2 or one re-make my guess is that it will have the same potential as cold...
YOU MUST READ THIS "Time spent Forging: 800 hours each Duration of Map building for Amplified: 3 months Versions up to Amplified v1.8 that are...
did you even take a second to look at the map before you deleted everything that you decided you werent going to steal. 85% of the things in the...
first of all the map you stole from took around 1600 hours to make according to fritzsters blog. you obviously havent geo-merged before.
all of the geo merging from this map is not done by legend killer and his forging partner.
ok. you didnt just steal from a random MLG map made by some no body. you stole from amplified.you stole from one of the only two foundry maps that...
the back of the map by the crane merge hasnt changed at all from the map that this was stolen from. you cant post something that isnt yours and...
i love this sig, but i'd like to see more of an art deco design because that was the design theme through out the game. this is also a very...
you stole the entire back wall from amplified. dont say you didn't. and you stole the wall where yellow base is. the back wall is in the 5th...
i dont want to sound mean, but i think, you think this map is better that is actually is. its not a bad map by any means, but its kind of...
ill help review if you guys need people
get the box to your required height by using the save and quit method. save and quit suff below below it(reciever nodes) on the sides (sender...
you should only put bridges upside down when they make a plat form or something. but when they are just used as a singular path like on onslaught...
seeing as how he got the result he was looking for. there is no need to keep this beauty of a thread open
door method works fine for me. use teleporters to secure the item. use alot of teleporters. make sure its impossible for the wall or bridge to...
custom power up would work well because there are plasma pistols to cancel it out. and i dont know where your getting this 150% speed from. MLG...
i downloaded this on the MLG forums and i went around it in forge a couple of minutes ago. its one of the best mlg maps on this site period