These look awesome. i love the hoover dam map, and the racoon city map. they all look incredible. good job
Thanks, it is a lot of fun. i took me a while to think of a way to make the buildings connect, but i think it turned out ok.
Knock Out [IMG] As you might be able to tell from the pictures, this map is a combination of Lock Out, Pinnacle, and The Cage. *I used "II Maky...
ya i was just looking for a new map to play for fun, on the most downloaded and saw it my map on there. Glad you enjoy this version more than the...
very fun game. love playing this with my friends. congrats on the feature. well deserved
i like it, very narrowsy.. if thats even a word. i like how you used the small flat part of the brace larges to make the floors of your bases. is...
this map has been remade so many times. luckily this is one of the better looking remakes. I know bungie has a Warlock remake (and a lockout...
looks good, remakes are hard becuase there is a lot of pressure to get it right, even though it may not be the most accurate this is better than a...
you're right, its not hard to do that at all, but some people might not know how and i think that would make it easier, and i think the staff...
OMG its the map from Super mario kart.. it was my favorite.. this looks a lot more fun than rocket fight. much more skill involved. i like it!
More pics! lol, some people arent going to DL until you have more pictures that show the quality of the map. looks good so far in the pic you have.
I think there should be a thread of all the staff picks, aranged by who picked them. with the thumbnail image and link. so we can see the staff...
This looks sick for being your first map. i like indoor maps with lots of corners. good idea linking the balconies together with the teleporter....
can we get more pictures. people arent going to want to download unless they see what the map looks like
i know lol, i couldnt beleive how many people were dishonoring Goldeneye by not pouring everything they have into their remake. also indubitably.....
that look incredible. you have my DL. when i saw the 1st pic i was like "sweet another corkscrew thing".. then i saw how you made a map out of...
this looks pretty cool, i've never seen anyone make a map the same way boarding acton was. unless it was a boarding action remake. I like a...
it may not be a perfect remake, but it still looks good. i would add a roof to the gold lift. and color the items to make it look better
i just got done playing with your map in forge and slayer. this is a great map. im keeping it on my HD.. and that says a lot. i only keep ones...
why isnt this getting as much attention. it looks fantastic. it makes me want to buy the DLC. this looks like a very very well designed map and...