It took me about 3 weeks to make the map from start to finish but I only forged about 1hr/day. Mostly I forged in Chunks on the weekends. However,...
Thanks to everyone who has commented and given constructive criticism and/or positive feedback. This map allready has more downloads in one day...
True. This is my first MLG style map and only my second map. I am currently working on a new MLG map that I planned out in google sketchup prior...
Name: MLG Ambush v1.1 (Updated 7/16) Map created by: FirePhoenix229 Description: Symmetrical MLG arena style map. Forge techniques include geo...
This looks like the solid MLG map. very well thought out weapon placment. I think the pictures with the "empthy rooms with only weapons" are very...
I would like to join the Forge Hub MLG group. Im working on an MLG map right now and could use a little advice on one part. I would also like to...
I was about to make a remake of longest but this one is very very well made... so i am dling now and i wont have to make it myself anymore. great...
design looks very good. interlocking could have been used to clean up a few corners. looks good enough to dl.
looks very clean. dling.
Aewsome iadea... if olny I cuold tpye atfer raeindg and lkoonig at the pciteurs.
The power ups are in Hammer jump distance, BUT they can not be obtained because they are too far into the walls. They are there to identify Map...
oops.. forgot about minigame section if a moderator would like me to move the thread i can. just leave a message plz then i will move it and you...
Map Name: Phoenix Court* Designed By: FirePhoenix229 Suggested Players: 4-8 Gametypes: Phoenix Ball*, Phoenix King*, Phoenix Slayer* Normal...
Nevermind, I fixed the pic, now it's big. Thanks for the heads up though.
Fixed Image-thanks for the suggestion
Map Name: --Theta v1.3 (This is my first ever map so bear with me) Description: --This is a Foundry map. It is symmetrical along the "track" in...