The zombie is saying to all who sees this. BLUB BLUB BLUB!!! BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB BLUB!!! I'm a zombie and I want your brains. Lol. Nice work man. 5/5
Hahahaha!!! That's some nice reference towards bungie's new project, Halo 3: ODST. And i also like how you use the ODST armor for this pic too. Oh...
These are some nie pics but the could use some work. Im not saying that i can do a better job which i probably cant cuz im not that great but you...
Well thanks guys for the help I have the New pic up. I just edit it in so that you guys can see it and then let me if its any better than the first 3.
Nice shots man. The second one is my personal favorite because not only does't it look cool, it sorta looks
HAHAHA!!! Awesome picture man. I like how you use the Brute shot's grenade to look like the ODST drop ship. Nice work man 5/5. But how did you get...
Nice pic. To me I think you should also put eh Covenent Carbine since the BR and the Carbine both have the same techniequ and purpos. Purpos: to own.
Thanks for the opinion. It's nice to hear at least some one here likes my work. I might be posting a map on here sometime soon. I just hope I can...
Sorry about the pics guys. I finally fixed it. It turnes out that bungie does'nt like straight steaming from there site so i went with...
Obey your captain noobs. as noobs i meen you MC.
Awesome! Can you help me on how to get outside of each map or did Bungie finally fix all those glitches.
You choose the best one. Honestly, I think the v3 one is the best but thats not why I'm here. I'm here to ask you which one do you think is the...
I have made this awesome picture in forge on the Crypt but I'm no sure what to name it. I currently have it as Brightness since it has a bright...
Hey man. Sorry about the bad post. I'll try not to do it again. I guess I should've read the rules a little better.
Hahahaha!!! LOL!!! Nice name for the map and nice name for the gametype. cant wait to play on it. looks like fun. sounds like fun too. Not bad...
Nice. Can't wait to play on it. I don't have much friends that play halo 3, but if you want to play we can.
Look for certain spots in each map. Some maps don't contain the right spots people are looking for or do. It's what ever you think is good. I...
Largest Race map I've seen yet. love to play on it sometime
Wow that looks crazy. I bet people will have fun playing on it. With all the racing maps on this site, it seems like bungie needs to make a racing...
Nice map. Just DLed it too. Looks fun to play on too.