Surely off-topic chat should be discouraged, or am I getting the wrong end of the stick? I believe telling someone what they have done wrong is...
For me, no Halo vehicle beats the Pelican, apart from possibly the PoA, if you can call it one. After that its the Warthog. Sorry didn't try to...
Np, and yeah it does suck, I had it too, Microsoft took nine months to sort it out! But I think I was just unlucky. I hope, you don't go through...
Good idea, when we have a gametype to implement that ;-) I agree with the 200% gravity thing, and the death barrier idea is innovative to say...
There are more, just look in the forum rather than 'official' forgehub maps
Bad luck mate. I posted in the 1v1 tourney forum to help, saying that you couldn't play. Hope I was helpful, if I did the wrong thing tell me :)
I have some favourites, they are all here: In each case...
As you can tell by looking at my GT, I'm already hyped for it. I wasn't bad online, and the campaign seemed easy, even on insane. Sorry that...
yeah, this sounds useful, reminds me of the triple-wielding needlers in halo 2
Wicked, I hope I get on with him, as well as everyone else. And btw, I can't help my mayhem, its AoE
Well not much to say except that my name's Tristan but obviously I prefer Tris, I like making maps on Forge, not that I'm very good..yet lol. I...
Well my best friend and his other friend were called Unleash Chaos and Unleash Nemesis respectively, so I decided to follow in their footsteps and...
Hey thanks for letting me play this, I stand about .1% more chance of winning one round in this 1 :D Sign Up Form Gamertag: Unleash Mayhem...
Re: The A27 1v1 showdown Tournament can i be in both tourneys?
my skype is tristan_edwards EDIT: anyone who wants to add me go right ahead, I need some friends :D
I would love to play but I've never played grifball before, so I'd need practice lol
ditto to the guy above me, its good to be here. im currently making a tunnel based map on foundry which i hope to put up here also looking forward...
you say that it can be done on pre-existing maps, but it is harder. Is it any different than spawning one of everything you need and setting the...